Abstract—As for the methods to evaluate the resistance to freezing and thawing of concrete, ASTM C 666 method 4.3 rapid freezing and thawing test method is mostly used globally. However, few researches are conducted about the relation between accelerated freezing and thawing test of ASTM C 666 test method and the freezing and thawing under natural environment at the moment. In this research, therefore, the researcher intends to develop a technique to predict the reduction of durability of actual concrete structure that experiences freezing and thawing under irregular temperature condition by examining the method to calculate the result of indoor accelerated test that receives freezing and thawing under regular temperature condition and by examining the method to calculate correspondence coefficient from the weather data located in the actual structure.
Index Terms—Concrete, freeze thaw, durability, prediction model.
Do-Gyeum Kim, Jong-Suk Lee, and Hojae Lee are with the Structural Engineering Research Division, Korea Institute of Construction Technology, South Korea (tel.: +82-31-910-0133, +82-31-910-0139, +82-31-910-0390; fax: +82-31-910-0715; e-mail: dgkim@kict.re.kr, jslee@kict.re.kr, h.lee@kict.re.kr) Myung-Sug Cho is with the Plant Construction & Engineering Laboratory, KHNP Central Research Institute, Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., LTD, South Korea (tel.: +82-42-870-5824; fax.: +82-42-870-5819; e-mail: concrete@khnp.co.kr)
Cite:Do-Gyeum Kim, Myung-Sug Cho, Jong-Suk Lee, and Hojae Lee, "Development of a Prediction Model for Lifespan Reduction Based on the Freezing and Thawing of Cement Paste Composite Material Considering Seasonal Environment," International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 375-378, 2013.