Abstract—A rapidly disintegrating oramucosal drug delivery
system was prepared with mucoadhesive polymeric backing
film. Various polymers were investigated for suitability in the
development of electrospun nanofibers layer and different set of
polymers for backing film layer. Individual layers and the
system with nanofiber spun directly on the backing film were
characterized using standard techniques. Ex vivo drug
permeation analysis was performed to establish the suitability
of the system. Polyvinylalcohol (PVA) produced drug-loaded
fibers with the most acceptable morphology and a
disintegration time of 5sec. Acceptable films casted were of
PVA/hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC), with required
mucoadhesive property and average disintegration time of
7-60sec. Diphenhydramine loaded delivery system exhibited
42-82% drug permeation in study time period potentiating the
feasible application of the system for oramucosal drug delivery.
Index Terms—Backing film, electrospun nanofiber matrix,
mucoadhesion, oramucosa drug delivery.
The authors are with University of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Health
Sciences, Department of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 7 York Road,
Parktown 2193, Johannesburg, South Africa (e-mail:
charu.tyagi@wits.ac.za, lomaskumar.tomar@wits.ac.za,
yahya.choonara@wits.ac.za, pradeep.kumar@wits.ac.za,
lisa.dutoit@wits.ac.za, vines.pillay@wits.ac.za).
Cite:Charu Tyagi, Lomas Tomar, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. Du Toit, Pradeep Kumar, and Viness Pillay, "Electrospun Nanofiber Matrix with a Mucoadhesive Backing Film for Oramucosal Drug Delivery," International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 81-85, 2014.