Abstract—This paper aims to study the corrosion resistance of metal matrix composite of an aluminum alloy (Al 6061) reinforced by SiC particles with 10wt% and 20wt%. Composite materials were prepared by stir casting using vortex technique. Corrosion behavior of aluminum matrix composite in sea water (3.5% NaCl solution) was examined using potentiostatically polarization measurements. The corrosion rate was calculated by Tafel equation and from the achieved polarization results. It was found that adding of SiC particles to the aluminum alloy matrix increases the corrosion rate. It was shown that the corrosion resistance decreases with increasing of SiC particles as compared of base alloy.
Index Terms—Aluminum matrix composite, stir casting, electrochemical corrosion.
Muna K. Abbass is with the Department of Production Engineering and Metallurgy, University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq (email: mukeab2005@ yahoo.com).
Khairia S. Hassan and is with Institute of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq (email: almaden 20002000@yahoo.com).
Abbas S. Alwan is with the Department of Machines & Agriculture Equipment, College of Agriculture, University of Baghdad, Iraq (email: Dr_abbas_shi@yahoo.com).
Cite: Muna K. Abbass, Khairia S. Hassan, and Abbas S. Alwan, "Study of Corrosion Resistance of Aluminum Alloy 6061/SiC Composites in 3.5% NaCl Solution," International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 31-35, 2015.