Abstract—Tensioned fabric structure in the form of Enneper minimal surface can be considered as a sustainable development for the green environment and technology, it also can be used to support the effectiveness used of energy and the structure. Sustainable development of tensioned fabric green structure in the form of Enneper minimal surface has been studied. The combination of shape and internal forces for the purpose of stiffness and strength is an important feature of fabric surface. For this purpose, form-finding using nonlinear analysis method has been carried out for Enneper minimal surface models with variables
u =
v =0.6 an
u =
v=1.0. Pattern
of prestress in the resulting fabric surface has been studied. Enneper minimal surface models with variables
v=0.6 an
v=1.0 with fabr
ic type A provides an alternative choice for practicing engineers to consider the te
nsioned fabric green structure in the form of Enneper minimal surface applied in the construction industry. It is expected to reduce the construction cost, shorten the construction time and improve the construction quality.
Index Terms—Tensioned fabric structure, minimal surface, form-finding.
H. M. Yee and M. N. Abdul Hadiis are with the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA, 13500 Permatang Pauh, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia (e-mail: yhooimin@yahoo.com, nasayz@yahoo.com).
K. K. Choong is with the School of Civil Engineering, USM, Engineering Campus, 14300 Nibong Tebal, Seberang Perai Selatan, P. Pinang, Malaysia (e-mail: cekkc@eng.usm.my).
Cite: H. M. Yee, K. K. Choong, and M. N. Abdul Hadi, "Sustainable Development of Tensioned Fabric Green Structure in the Form of Enneper," International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 125-128, 2015.