Abstract—This paper examines various aspects of the design
process of an urban Gas insulate Switchgear (GIS) complex
substation grounding system. The study shows how advanced
simulation approaches can be used to study complex grounding
systems involving gas-insulated substations and massive
connected metallic infrastructure in an urban environment by
following the IEEE 80-2000 recommendations and
requirements. It describes why it is important to model
accurately the GIS structure, ground conductors, massive
reinforced steel rebar, residential neutrals, surrounding
commercial buildings and residential water pipe
infrastructures as well as correctly simulate fault currents and
circulating currents in order to determine touch voltages
accurately and avoid overestimating or underestimating them.
A parametric sensitivity analysis are performed. It is shown
that bonding of an urban substation grounding system to the
urban city buried metallic infrastructures, in most cases,
enhances the safety status inside the substation while ensuring
that the transferred voltages to the city metallic infrastructures
will not endanger the safety of people in the zone of influence.
Furthermore, this paper suggests that the grounding grid
installed beneath the GIS system does not have a major
influence on the grounding grid or GIS performance. However,
the method of bonding the GIS to the rebar or to the grounding
system can significantly modify the building and GIS safety
status. Finally, the paper demonstrates that the urban
substation grounding grid performance is not very sensitive to
the type of soil structures in which the system is buried due to
the surrounding city buried metallic network and building
rebar which are typically directly or indirectly connected to the
grounding system providing thus a significant damper on the
effects of soil characteristics changes.
Index Terms—substation, GIS, grounding, metallic
infrastructures, touch & step voltages, ground potential rise
Zhang Jinsong is with the Jiangsu Fangtian, Nanjing, China (email:
Qian Feng and Guo Bing are with the Yangzhou Power Supply Company,
Yangzhou, China (email: ygsqf27144@163.com, 21340483@qq.com)
Yexu Li and Farid Dawalibi are with the SES technologies ltd. Quebec,
Canada (yexu.li@sestech.com, farid.dawalibi@sestech.com)
Cite: Zhang Jinsong, Qian Feng, Guo Bing, Yexu Li, and Farid Dawalibi, "Grounding of Urban GIS Substation Connected to Commercial Buildings and Metallic Infrastructures," International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 191-196, 2015.