Abstract—This paper presents a new text entry method, Feature Stroke (FS). FS is a predictive letter-group-based method using joysticks. 26 letters are grouped and associated with 8 primitive gestures on joysticks. FS has a novel mnemonic strategy for visual feedback of uncertainty in the group-based inputting. The design of FS is aimed to improve efficiency and user experience of text entry in some special circumstances using joysticks. Multi-session test of the prototype shows that the learning curve rises quickly. And the participants’ subjective evaluation is highly positive. In the non-predictive mode, pairwise test shows that skilled users’ performance of FS is much better than that of the onscreen keyboard selection, the most prevalent method for joysticks so far.
Index Terms—Joystick, text entry, mnemonic, ergonomics, GUI design.
The authors are with the School of Media and Design, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China (e-mail: {zygu, cc060705, fireon7, dongzx}@sjtu.edu.cn).
Cite: Zhenyu Gu, Cheng Chu, Xingya Xu, and Zhanxun Dong, "Feature Stroke: A Text Entry Method Using Joystick," International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 299-303, 2015.