Abstract—This paper introduces an approach for deadlock prevention of container handling in decentralized organized pre-storage zones. Decentralization in pre-storage zones lack the ability of global state information, time invariants and non-deterministic behavior by algorithm dependency on communication with other entities in the system. Therefore, an approach is introduced which is capable of handling container over transport units with the possibility of inverse flow detection and securing system consistency by deadlock prevention.
Index Terms—Industrial engineering, optimization of systems, automation, design and manufacturing.
Lukas Kopecki is with University of Paderborn, Business Computing, CIM, Paderborn, Germany (e-mail: kopecki@hni.uni-paderborn.de).
Cite: Lukas Kopecki, "An Approach for Deadlock Prevention in Decentralized Controlled Pre-storage Zones with Dynamic Behavior and Time Windows," International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 208-212, 2016.