Abstract—The interpretation of results in the case of a multi-objective optimization study is partially made with the help of the trade-off curves which indicate the set of solutions that gives the best compromise between objectives. However, there is a further need for choosing one single solution from this set. This article is discussing a decision making process for selecting the most beneficial design solution with respect to a set of proportion factors applied on the objectives and defined by the end-decision makers. The results show that better trade-offs may be obtained when solving the multi-objective problem using dedicated algorithms combined with the proposed selection method instead of reducing the problem to a single-objective definition by considering weight factors.
Index Terms—Multi-objective optimization, Pareto set, negotiated design solutions.
The authors are with the Transilvania University of Brasov, Brasov, Romania (e-mail: marian.velea@unitbv.ro, slache@unitbv.ro).
Cite: Marian N. Velea and Simona Lache, "Decision Making Process on Multi-Objective Optimization Results," International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 213-217, 2016.