Abstract—In this work, gas atomization technique was used to produce aluminum matrix powders (AA7075). Thereafter; boron carbide (B4C) particle reinforcements participated into matrix and then composite powders mixtures were prepared via powder technology. SEM analyze method was used to describe composite material's microstructural properties and it was observed that B4C particles were homogeneously distributed in the AA7075 matrix after 4h of milling time. As a result; parameters which were milling time, closeness of each other the particle size of the matrix with reinforced material and increasing density enhanced pure material of tensile strength approximately % 40.
Index Terms—Aluminum, B4C, mechanical properties, metal-matrix composite, powders metallurgy.
Cihad Nazik and Necmettin Tarakçioğlu are with Selcuk University, Technology Faculty, Metallurgical and Material Engineering Department, Konya, Turkey (e-mail: cihadnazik@selcuk.edu.tr, ntarakcioglu@selcuk.edu.tr).
Serdar Özkaya, Fatih Erdemir, and Aykut Çanakçi are with Karadeniz Technical University, Engineering Faculty, Metallurgical and Material Engineering Department, Trabzon, Turkey (e-mail: sozkaya@ktu.edu.tr, ferdemir@ktu.edu.tr, aykut@ktu.edu.tr).
Cite: Cihad Nazık, Necmettin Tarakçıoğlu, Serdar Özkaya, Fatih Erdemır, and Aykut Çanakçı;rek, "Determination of Effect of B4C Content on Density and Tensile Strength of AA7075/ B4C Composite Produced via Powder Technology," International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 251-254, 2016.