Abstract—The underwater environment is challenging due to the available three-dimensional space and the risk of water damaging electronic and mechanical parts. Using 3D printing technology, a housing as well as the functional parts for an underwater robotics kit can be produced low-priced at home or in schools and other facilities. Other mechanical parts used in the design are standardized and available in common home improvement stores. Conveniently the robot is designed modular, facilitating easy assembly and the possibility to test the functionalities of each module outside the housing. The used Hedgehog robotics controller is focusing on low costs in the hardware, and is extended by high usability in the software for this underwater robotics kit.
Index Terms—Underwater robotics, educational robotics, low-cost, open source, open hardware, STEM, rapid prototyping, 3D printing, robotics controller.
Reinhard Grabler and Gottfried Koppensteiner are with the Practical Robotics Institute Austria, Wexstraße 19-23, 1200 Vienna, Austria (e-mail: grabler@pria.at, koppensteiner@pria.at).
Markus Klein and Thomas Fellner are with the TGM, Vienna Institute of Technology, Wexstraße 19-23, 1200 Vienna, Austria (e-mail: m@mklein.co.at, fellnertho@gmail.com).
Cite: Reinhard Grabler, Markus Klein, Thomas Fellner, and Gottfried Koppensteiner, "Development of a Low-Cost Maritime Educational Robotics Platform," International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 208-214, 2018.