Abstract—The hydrometallurgy process of copper anode slime were studied in this study. Copper anode slime is a byproduct in electrorefining. PGMs in autocatalyst were concentrated by pyrometallurgy and were transformed into copper anode slime by electrorefining. In this work, sulfuric acid pressure leaching was employed to pretreat copper anode slime and the residue concentrated PGMs was dissolving with the mixture of hydrochloric acid and hydrogen peroxide. The optimum conditions for sulfuric acid pressure leaching were 1.0 M of the sulfuric acid concentration, 100 ml/g of liquid-solid ratio, 4 hr of reaction time, and 220 oC of leaching temperature; The optimum conditions for hydrochloric acid leaching with hydrogen peroxide were 6.0 M of hydrochloric acid concentration, 10 % of hydrogen peroxide concentration, 50 ml/g of liquid-solid ratio, 60 min of reaction time, and 70 oC of leaching temperature. Under the optimal parameters in the process, the recovery of PGMs were 97.1 % for Pd, 95.1 % for Pt, 75.6 % for Rh respectively.
Index Terms—Autocatalyst, copper anode slime, hydrometallurgy, platinum group metals, pretreatment.
The authors are with the Department of Resource Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan 70101, Taiwan (e-mail: kenchen@ mail.ncku.edu.tw, a24684692@gmail.com).
Cite: Wei-Sheng Chen and Jie-Yu Yang, "Concentrating and Dissolving Platinum Group Metals from Copper Anode Slime," International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing vol. 7, no. 6, pp. 245-249, 2019.
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