Abstract—Dielectrics play a key role during electrical discharge machining (EDM). Kerosene-based oil, deionized water and gas are traditionally used dielectrics in industries. The process performance of micro EDM mainly based on it. The major drawbacks of liquid-based dielectrics are large ratio of electrode wear and pollution. Micro EDM in gas provides almost zero tool wear. However, the discharge gap is very small, which leads to abnormal discharge during machining. The theme of this research work is an investigation of the micro EDM in nitrogen plasma jet (NPJ) performed in magnetic field for enhancing process performance. In this study, the magnetic field is introduced perpendicular to the current direction, for enhancing the material removal ratio and helping in debris distribution from machining area. Series of experiments have been conducted, by varying magnetic field current and voltage. Experimental outcome shows that this adopted approach significantly improves the material removal rate (MRR) as well as surface roughness (Ra). The presence of Lorentz force has no negative impact on electrode wear.
Index Terms—Electrical discharge machining (EDM), magnetic field, nitrogen plasma jet, machining performance.
A. Asad, Z. Yu, R. Zou and C. Zhang are with the Key Laboratory for Precision and Nontraditional Machining Technology, Ministry of Education, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China (e-mail: Asadazizzdx@gmail.com, zyu@dlut.edu.cn, zourimao@126.com, zcn1991@163.com).
Cite: Aziz Asad, Zuyuan Yu, Rimao Zou, and Congyang Zhang, "Magnetic Field Assisted Micro EDM in Nitrogen Plasma Jet and HVAJ," International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 27-33, 2020.
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