Abstract—Boron, as an alloy element, and its compounds are used in a wide range. It is determined that, boron and its compounds increases physical, chemical, mechanical and metallurgical properties of materials. With bronzing, materials get some the properties such as high hardness, high wear, less friction coefficient and high corrosion. In this study, effect on the mechanical properties of boron addition of 60SiCr7 steel were investigated. 60SiCr7 of spring steel, which is relatively low compared with treatment steel ductility by heat treatment in the treatment and in addition, various amounts of boron (ppm ratio) and improving the mechanical properties by alloying has been attempted. As a result of 15-30 ppm added steel in tensile and fracture toughness has improved.
Index Terms—Boron, boron steels, mechanical testing.
Hayrettin Düzcükoğlu is with Selcuk University, Technology Faculty, Mechanical Engineering Department, Konya, Turkey (e-mail: hayduzcukoglu@hotmail.com).
Selman Çetintürk is with Soylu Casting, Konya Organized Industrial Zone, Konya, Turkey.
Cite: Hayrettin Düzcükoğlu and Selman Çetintürk, "Effect of Boron Addition on Mechanical Properties of 60SiCr7 Stell," International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 117-120, 2015.