Abstract—In the industry of semiconductor manufacturing, various material sources, such as gas, chemical, wafer, target, PR (Photo Resist), are used in process. The incoming material control plays a very important role in the whole production process. For traditional SPC (Statistical Process Control), the factors or parameters controlled are requested to follow normal (Gaussian) distribution, whereas most of them are not so in practice. Another problem we faced is there are fewer amounts of data. In order to control incoming material risk and prevent excursion occurrence, we studied the Bootstrap method, a re-sampling method in statistical. This paper depicts how we combine the Bootstrap into traditional SPC for incoming material quality management. And a comparison of the common incoming material management with Bootstrap SPC is also described.
Index Terms—Bootstrap, SPC, incoming quality control, non- parameter.
The authors are with the Division of Semiconductor Manufacturing International (Shanghai) Corp, Shanghai, China (e-mail: Randy_Kang@smics.com).
Cite: Sheng Kang, Violet Shangguan, Lisa Yu, and Wei-Ting Chien, "Bootstrap Application for Semiconductor Incoming Material SPC," International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 273-277, 2016.