Abstract—The damage to the propeller shaft, a principal
mechanical component in the power transmission system of the
Kolek Boats makes engines work harder than normal
attributed to less transmission efficiency. Operating boats with
the damaged propeller shaft increases the rate of fuel
consumption per distance and cost of fishing which affects
income of coastal fishermen. The result of a preliminary survey
of Cut-Stern Kolek Boats at Kaoseng Community revealed that
the service life of the damaged propeller shafts caused by the
fatigue failure would be repaired by shield metal arc welding
process. The statistical analysis showed that the useful life
depended on fatigue endurance limit of welding surface. When
they were back to be used again. The objective of this research
was to study the fatigue life of hardfacing surface LB-52 solid
wire. The method of this research included )a) building up the
hardfacing surface (b) forming specimen from hardfacing
surface and (c) finding out the fatigue life by fatigue testing
machine base on ASTM E739-91 standard. The results of this
research indicated that hardfacing surface LB-52 could not
receive fatigue stress exceed 500 MPa. The propeller shafts
after being repaired will have very short service life, which is
not feasible in engineering economy.
Index Terms—Propeller shaft, hardfacing surface, solid wire fishing boats.
Siva Sitthipong, Prawit Towatana and Amnuay Sitticharoenchai are with Marine and Coastal Resource Institute, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand respectively. (e-mail:mechmat.s@gmail.com, prawit.t@psu.ac.th, Sittiben@psu.ac.th).
Cite: Siva Sitthipong, Prawit Towatana, and Amnuay Sitticharoenchai, "Fatigue Life Assessment of Weld Surfacing of LB-52 Solid Wire on SCM 440 Alloys Steel Propeller Shafts," International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 178-182, 2018.